Scanner Art

So, back when I was still in college, I took a digital art class (I think it was called Digital Imaging). One of the projects we had to do was called a scan-o-gram. Basically, it was too load stuff on a scanner to make a type of collage art that way. Digging through some old thingsĀ  trying to figure out what to keep, I found mine. Ah, nostalgia. The good ol’ days at Adrian College. All those countless hours spent in that Mac lab going crazy…

All of these scans, save two, were from laying objects directly on the scanner. For the basket scans, I actually turned the scanner over on its side and held it up creating more of a camera effect. I think one scan of the basket was a regular sideways scan, and the next one, I put a lace shirt over the scanner. It was a creative idea to me at the time.

The big, messy collages showed one of my obsessions of the time – Wolf’s Rain. I completely blame my friend Logan for getting me addicted to that.