Changing Sky 18 June 2011

Looking through my pictures, I found these photos from last June. As I said in earlier posts, it has always amazed me how one sky can 1) change so much in so little time and 2) be so different in two different areas. This particular night sky, started with soft hues of pink, purple, and peach, but had a fiery and bright finish before darkness settled in for the night.

soft pink sunset
Later, the colors faded out of the sky, leaving mostly blue with a few hints of colors directly where the sun was setting.
fading sunset

Then, for some reason, or maybe because I just zoomed in on the setting sun, the colors seemed to pop back even more vibrant than before.

purple-peach sunset

We then end with a little hint of a fiery touch on the clouds. Not as brilliant as some nights, but a contrast to the earlier colors.
